KEISEKI Cultural Promotion Foundation


Welcome to our Fan Club, Tomo-no-kai
via the link below 

(Sorry, currently Japanese Only)

歴史画の父 小堀鞆音
KOBORI, Tomoto
the Father of modern historical paintings
(Japanese only)
KOBORI memorial museum
(under construction)
(Japanese Only)
Research Support
(Japanese Only)

What's New

24th January 2025

Kobori, K.G., Nakanishi, M., "Issues on the study of Kobori Tomoto, the father of modern historical painting"Bulletin of Center for Arts and Sciences Teikyo University of Science vol.7, 2024, pp.1-13 is published.

1st January 2025

Our New Year's Card: (the Year of the Serpent) 

This painting depicts Taira no Shigemori, a renowned Heike general known for his composure, calmly capturing a snake that had entered the palace chamber and discreetly handing it over to his attendant outside, all without alarming those around him. The brushwork of Kobori Tomoto masterfully conveys Shigemori’s unwavering and composed demeanour.

1st January 2024: Our New Year's Card (the Year of the Dragon) is here.

- The image of dragon appeared by the sound of lute played by a young medieval warrior, Taira no Tsunemasa is depicted by Kobori Tomoto.

15th June 2023 Our seasonal Newsletter Archive is newly open.

Our quarterly newsletter back numbers (except for the latest 4 bullteins) is open to public.
Click the "NL (Archive)" on the top bar. 
Once you join our Fan Club, Tomo-no-kai, you will see all the Newsletters as soon as published.
11th February 2023 The digital museum of Tomoto's works in KOBORI memorial museum is newly open.

This digital museum displays the images of KOBORI Tomoto's works.
Currently, Japanese only.

1st January 2023: Our New Year's Card (the Year of the Rabbit) is here.

- The image of the hare of Inaba jumping over the waves: depicted by KOBORI Tomoto. (not KOBORI Tomone)

18th December 2022: Members Only page is open.

Joining our Fan club, Tomo-no-kai, you will see all the News Letters (Japanese only) as soon as they are published.

Our password will be found on your welcome letter.

Please feel free to join us.
Annual fee: (E-mail member: ¥3000, postal member: ¥4000) 
一般財団法人 桂石文化振興財団 バナー